Ozone/UV IV Essentials Vault
This Vault contains the required videos and materials for onsite and hands-on training. Become a member and have access to much more materials, videos, marketing, and other resources to get the absolute most out of your Ozone/UV IV Therapies.
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Resource Materials
Download, print, email, and use these materials as you need.
These resources are necessary for onsite and virtual trainings for both Ozone/UV and EBOO.
Here is where you can download and view the presentation slides for fundamentals and didactics.
Ozone Didactics
Fundamentals of Ozone – Part 1
Fundamentals of Ozone – Part 2
Fundamentals of Ozone – Part 3
Fundamentals of Ozone – Part 4
Fundamentals of Ozone – Part 5
UBI Didactics
Medical Evolution
Indication and Contraindications
Main Factors for Efficiency
Ozone and UBI IV
Case Studies
Protocols and Equipment
Other Ozone/UV Didactics
Hi-Dose Didactics
Ozonated Saline IV Didactics
Ozone/UV Demos
Standard Ozone/UV IV Procedure
Hi-Dose Ozone/UV IV Procedure
Ozonated Saline IV Demo