Franchise Training
Welcome to our specialized onboarding and certification training designed exclusively for iCRYO franchises. Our expert instructors will provide a tailored training solution for your specific operational needs. From essential Ozone/UV protocols and procedures, we ensure that your staff has the latest knowledge and skills to deliver this exceptional care.
4 steps to get started
All employees are invited to attend this live, virtual Onboarding Session. This session includes an introduction and overview of the following:
- Therapies
- Equipment
- Guest benefits (why do O3UV)
- Overview of procedure
- Pre/Post Care
- Typical responses
- Q & A
Upon completion of the Onboarding Session, you will purchase your equipment from O3UV by clicking here.
Log into your iCRYO University portal and complete the Didactic training.
NOTE: Didactic training via the iCRYO University portal must be completed before nurses will be approved to complete the Nurse Certification Session.
All nurses administering Ozone/UV therapies on guests are required to complete a live, virtual hands-on Nurse Certification Session within 60 days of the Onboarding Session. Didactic training via the iCRYO University portal must be completed before the nurse will be approved to complete the Nurse Certification Session.
- Each live, virtual hands-on Nurse Certification session provides 1 certification for 1 nurse and includes:
- A MedMasters Instructor guides you as you administer the treatment to a patient volunteer
- Trainer Assessment and Test
- Q & A Wrap Up
NOTE: If you are onboarding both Standard and HI-Dose therapies in your center, each nurse must complete 2 Nurse Certification Sessions – 1 for Standard and 1 for HI-Dose.
Required Training
Onboarding is required for all new centers. Nurse certification is required for all nurses administering therapies.
Onboarding Session
Live, virtual training for new centers.
(10% Franchisee Discount Included)
Nurse Certification Session
Live, virtual hands-on training for nurses who need certification.
(10% Franchisee Discount Included)